I am now sitting in an internet cafe Dakar in Strumica. There is a load music from a bar next to it. It is a nice cafe but full with these teenage boys even in the biggest night of Strumica Festival (carnival). I did not plan to come here at all. But then I went to Kiril&Metodij university today, to the AEGEE-Skopje office at the Law Faculty and the student union next to it had a poster offering a ride to Strumica at 16h and back at 4am for 349 MKD. I thought a bit and why not. I have not seen any of these crazy carnivals here in Macedonia. And Strumica is one of the most famous ones. Almost each town has it and nobody really knows what is the meaning of them and how this tradition started. They try to imitate the Brazilian carnival and it is somewhat connected to pagan traditions, fasting, spring etc. All I know. But it is fun, some groups have really worked on masks, decorated trucks and choreography, but some guys just walk alone. One old lady had made a bit cross with something like butterfly wings and had real trouble carrying the construction...:) Anyways, it is very democratic and that's why it takes so long time. Half of Strumica participates plus guests from Macedonia and all the Balkans.
Well...so I took the student bus. There was a bit of chaos. Again some traffic problems, all traffic lights were off and policemen were organizing the traffic. Big traffic jams and 2 busses were lost somewhere. As I was alone I just joined one bus and sat on the seat next to the driver. Really nice seat actually with a nice view :) There was lots of singing and parodies of Tose Proeski songs. Mojot zhivot became Mojot index (there are texts about unwritten and torn pages etc. :))
The shitty thing was that all the smokers came to smoke in front, sitting on the stairs on the floor. And mostly girls, some 3 girls came 2 times. And they were asking for Pauza since we just moved. All the way :P The driver said that we are going to make 8 hours long Pauza in Strumica :)
I cannot sms Inese or Viki because it seems that the network is down. Too many people here. I think I am going for a drink now, really thirsty...and I dont know what I am doing for 5 hours...
Ok, managed to reach Inese thanks to Skype. She said they are coming here in 30 min. Maybe we have a nice party at the end. Just the stupid thing is that I went into a supermarket and fell in love with a set of 4 mugs. So I have to carry some (modern) Chinese porcelain with me into a nightclub :P
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