Tuesday, September 4

Jag ska inte flytta till Sthlm

Somebody has already heard about my doubts lately. I was talking to my colleagues in Stockholm one day and got a sudden urge to ask them if they would maybe like to see me joining their team. And surprise surprise - THEY WOULD!
I was sleeping over with this thought for a couple of nights and decided that it 'does not shine' for me this time:
1) I would regret if I don't go to Macedonia now
2) It's my last chance for EVS (not gonna apply for it again)
3) I actually like it better down there than up there
4) There is still enough time for money and career
5) I hate letting people down
...so for those who don't understand Swedish: I AM NOT MOVING TO STOCKHOLM

1 comment:

dārta said...

yes, good for you. : ) i think EVS is for the better life :D haha