Thursday, September 27

short update

I've caught a little cold. it's mostly stuffed nose during the night and during the day i sneeze a lot. i was living it for the last 2 days but this morning decided to start fighting it. (i guess 2 cold beers while sitting outside yesterday did not help). so i went to jog around the nearby polygon, took a hot shower, drank a big mug of tea, warmed my feet in a bowl of hot water...sweat sweat sweat. Still feel hot, in a big sweater, with woolen socks and there is another huge mug of tea waiting me in the other room.
Yesterday we went out with one Macedonian friend here. She said before that she has something to tell us. I already started to fantasize about engagement and babies, but the news was that she is moving back to Skopje. So hopefully going to see her more often and if my organization still has not found a flat for me, there is a room in her house:)

Tuesday, September 25


Sveiciens no Pristinas! Paguleju tiri labi patiesiba. Mamma aizveda uz lidostu, no rita nedaudz vairak ka 0.5 stunda var no Salaspils uz Rigas lidostu aizbraukt. Gribeju, lai mamma nak lidz, jo man bija aizdomas, ka mana bagazha kopa ir ap 30 kg 20 kilo vietaa. Es gan nezinu, ko butu devusi vinai atpakal, ja man liktu maksat... jo viss it ka bija vajadzigs un smagaakas lietas ir suveniri organizacijai, ko sapirkos par projekta naudu. Ja atstaatu suvenirus, butu jaskiras no visam drebem un apaviem :p man ir stulbs koferis, kas tuksh sver ap 10 kg laikam...
viss tomer atrisinajas loti labi. pirmkart, mammai neizdevas aizslegt masinu. vinai bija bail to atstat laukuma un tad es vinjai pa mobilo teici braukt majas. ta nu izpalika ari asaraina atvadisanas. Domaju, ja liks maksat, maksasu ari. Slinkums bija pakoties lidosta. Pagajusa vakara biju izmeginajusi online check-in airbalticam, bet, lai ari rakstija ka no 1. septembra bus iespejama registresanas vairakiem lidojumiem, man izdevas registreties tikai pirmajai kaajai uz Viini. Bet ta ka esmu tomer registrejusies, es gudrite nestavu garaja rinda, bet eju pie bagazhas dropa. Paprasiju meitenei, vai nevar tomer, ka somas iet pa taisno uz Prishtinu. Beigas vinjam mani iechekoja abiem lidojumiem un somas tika aizsutitas uz Prishtinu. Dieviga meitene!
Nedaudz apskatiju Viini - sanaca gan tikai redzet Stadspark un Domu, jo ar smagajam somam nebija nekada prieka vazaties. ka ar ietureju briniskigas brokastis Stadsparkaa.
Lidojums uz Prishtinu beidzot izskatijas ta, ka to iedomajos pirmaja reize - kadu tresho dalju sastadija danju kontingents smukas tumshzaljas kamoflazhas formas. Tad bija dazhi no holandieshu KFOR. Parejie bija visadi citadi internacionali, kas tur strada. Tiesham maz albanju. Sakuma likas, ka vispar nav, bet saku sazimet dazhus pazistamus feisus.
Kljuvu par Austrian fani. Tiesham forsha lidmashina, radija sleptas kameras filminjas. Ari bez skanjas bija recigi. Man ipashi patika tuvredzigais tizlais policists, kas skreja staba, dzidamies pec zaglja. Un vel apsargs, kas veikala pircejus apgrabstija un dziedaja serenades. Silts ediens, pasta ar kaut kadu balto merci un puraviem. Baigi garshigi. Tad vel rada ik pa laikam, kur gaisa atrodamies, cik augstu, cik talu vel jalido, kada ara temperatura. Nu nebija jau ipashi precizi, ipashi, kad jau bijam piezemejushies, radija, ka esam 500 ft augstuma. Un man reali patik Austrian stjuarshu uniformas :)

Hello from Prishtina! When I am abroad, I have a strange wish to write in Latvian. The flight was fine, I had almost 10 kg extra check-in luggage, but the girl was in a good mood. So I did not have to pay anything extra. I also had 2 pieces of hand luggage, but nobody cared.
I saw a bit of Vienna, but was not much fun carrying laptop bag and another heavy backpack around.
The flight to Prishtina finally fulfilled my hopes to see lots of soldiers and internationals. This time they were mostly Danes. And Austrian is good - they serve warm food and have TVs :)
Must run now

Sunday, September 23

good night

tomorrow morning at 7:25 i take off. i have no idea how much my bags weigh, but i really hope they will let me take another bag besides my laptop bag inside the salon... lots of heavy stuff there: rupjmaize, griķi haha
don't think i will get much sleep tonight

Thursday, September 20

lonely feeling

The most of the time today I spent compiling an ultimate Brainstorm/Prata vetra collection for a friend I made this summer in Prishtina Summer University. She is from Macedonia, but currenly studying in Bratislavia, Slovakia. So tomorrow I should mail it to her dorms address in Bratislava. I have been stretching my promise almost till the last... yes and somehow I am running this Lonely Feeling video clip in my head now. I do have a kind of lonely feeling
Need to pack my suitcase the same as the lonley penguin and disappear somewhere into the blue. Yes, I am kind of a nostalgic sentimental person sometimes. My sweet kitty is now sleeping next to me and I will not see and cuddle her for so long...
Just came back from jogging, had to ventilate my head a bit. Made 2 laps instead of ordinary one. Stretched my stiff joints from 2 years office work. Now my fingers are a bit trembling while I am typing this. Gosh, this grey, rainy autumn does not help my lonely feeling to vanish.
Previous 2 days spent running in rain from one agency to another, getting some papers, bringing some papers, fetching some papers, and creating some papers. I discovered that I am still officially employed by my ex Student Association though it has been a long time I have not done anything there and even paid any social tax into my account. But we forgot to bring some stupid form, so I am still in their register. And actually first of all I did not even have to be there EVER. Just a stupid law on not-for-profit organisations. Yes, we do live in a bureaucratic country - be it for good or bad. And these agencies are usually located according to the principle 'the furtherst away from each other the better'. In addition, they like to change offices. Be aware! And of course you can do none of this business electronically or by phone. So at the end it is so good I retired from my work a week before I have to leave Latvia. At least managed to get some stuff done!
To more interesting stuff - previous weekend visited a friend in Liepaja. After her EVS in Macedonia she is totally in love with the country and really helped me to integrate with the culture there while still being here :) Hope to see her soon again (October) in Skopje! Going to meet some friends tomorrow and probably party whole night. My last weekend in Latvia afterall.
My room is a mess. There is an empty open suitcase on the floor and clothes on top of the bed. I really have no idea what to take and what to leave behind. Can't take all I want anyways. But also don't want to spend too much money the first week buying stuff I already have. What to do about it? I thought I will take more stuff in my hand luggage which will be a rather big backpack. But, stupid me, I am taking laptop with me. Will be too much hand luggage especially if I wanted to see Vienna during the plane connection time (5 hours). So I also need to put the backpack in the suitcase, because I will not hitchhike around with a huge suitcase. damn, I am already taking so much stuff which is not clothes in my suitcase that there is not much space left for clothes. So - shopping in Skopje looks rather inevitable...
A bit messy one this time, but that's me right now.

Tuesday, September 4

Jag ska inte flytta till Sthlm

Somebody has already heard about my doubts lately. I was talking to my colleagues in Stockholm one day and got a sudden urge to ask them if they would maybe like to see me joining their team. And surprise surprise - THEY WOULD!
I was sleeping over with this thought for a couple of nights and decided that it 'does not shine' for me this time:
1) I would regret if I don't go to Macedonia now
2) It's my last chance for EVS (not gonna apply for it again)
3) I actually like it better down there than up there
4) There is still enough time for money and career
5) I hate letting people down for those who don't understand Swedish: I AM NOT MOVING TO STOCKHOLM