Monday, June 1

Scandinavian summer and latest updates

Wow, today was awesome... I was looking around for the beach as Uppsala did feel like a beach city somewhere in DA SOUTH: great sun, a fresh breeze, lots of sun-tanned people in shorts and flip-flops. It feels that I have burnt my shoulders a bit. But it feels great!!!
The window is still open in my room, but it's OK!
Well, besides the fact that summer has come to the middle of Sweden, many other things have happened. Georgia and Gävle have appeared on my radar because of one (TOO MUCH) great guy and now I am leaving him and going back to the Balkans for 6 months. A career woman... what to say :)
And now I need to go to sleep because tomorrow early I go to a conference on Afghan women in Stockholm and in the evening running some 5 km women's race... sounds like a very Swedish kvinnodag tomorrow!

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