Wednesday, February 18

Result of lay-offs?

Just now I started to lose trust and respect in International Herald Tribune/New York Times.

First this: (link)

Wednesday, February 25

The Associated Press
Published: February 18, 2009

Today is Wednesday, Feb. 25, the 56th day of 2009. There are 309 days left in the year.

And then also this: (link)

Key facts about Kosovo, which marks the first anniversary of its independence declaration on Tuesday:

LAND: Kosovo covers about 4,200 square miles (10,900 square kilometers) — roughly one-third the size of Belgium — and borders Albania and Macedonia. The central area around the capital, Pristina, is lowlands. There are mountains elsewhere.

How about Montenegro and Serbia? Or this data is still from the time when Kosovo was still a province of the country called "Yugoslavia" or later renamed "Serbia and Montenegro"?

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