Friday, November 21

Stockholm igen

Uppsala Association of International Affairs today organized a visit to the R. embassy in Stockholm which was attended by a dozen Swedes and 2 Latvians: me and S. Nobody really knew what to expect from that because there was no certain speaker, topic, reason or whatsoever for the visit. So today's word naturally came in Russian - попослиться. I am not sure that it can be found in dictionaries (quite sure about the opposite), it should not be pronounced in the presence of high officials and inside the institutions, but it more or less means visiting the institution, official or посл and being at their close proximity. The word owns its credit to a certain female Jewish friend of S.

The embassy in Stockholm is in a huge building near the waters (everything is near the waters in Stockholm) built in the typical socialist style of late 60ies or 70ies. The big banquet hall where we were seated has beautiful crystal lustres and a lot of light (the day was beautiful winterly sunny). We were surprised by the respect and importance attributed to us - simple students. Also about the informal atmosphere: tea, coffee and cookies were served and we were sitting with 7 officials around the table and asking questions.

After the visit I drank some tea and ate our home made sandwiches with S. and said good-bye to her and good luck to her when she boarded the bus to Arlanda. Then I met T., had some cappuchinos, a quick walk through a Vintage shop (second hand for X-mas) along the Drottniggatan and a nice talk in English+Macedonian+Swedish.

What could be my Swedish word for today... lat att tänka på... Jag är så lat. Lazy to think about it and lazy to study Swedish tonight.

Aah, now I remembered one new word from today - remsa or klipp? (equals strippenkaart in Dutch). That is the the strip ticket for many trips with many rows and the driver stamps 2 rows for 1 zone, 3 rows for 2 zones, 4 rows for 3 zones...

Klipp from where? Göra ett klipp = make a great deal. Maybe.

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