Just a minute, I hear the water boiling - need to run to make my salep, but will be back soon...
Back. Salep is a strange drink. Actually I don't know from what it is made, but besides salep it contains milk & spices: sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, skrob, guargam, ksantangam... They sell it only in pharmacies and it costs 30 cents a pack.
I checked Wikipedia for Salep. This is what it says: referring to both orchid as well as the salep drink. It is a flour made from grinding the dried tubers of various species of orchid, which contain a nutritious starch-like polysaccharide called bassorin. Salep is also the name of a beverage made from salep flour, whose popularity spread beyond Turkey and the Middle East to England and Germany before the rise of coffee and tea. In England, the drink was known as "saloop".
Shpetim came yesterday evening. I went to pick him up at the bus station. Albert told me that the new law (that foreigners need to register at the police the same day they arrive) is already in force and we were looking for someone with a Macedonian ID (lichna karta) to register him. Macedonians are scared of police, lazy and don't want to do more than is really required of them. Finally Albert thought of Ljubo, our office boss. Ljubo had just cut his hair and had to take a shower. But in 1 hour +10 min he was really outside our door. He is a great guy! However, at the police we were told that if he is staying less than 3 days, he does not need to register. Oh, cool. So we did not register. But I was joking that the police probably has not seen the new law yet. It is normal here - if you need something from some office, you better take the law with you. And they will probably ask you to give them the law for making a copy...
Oh, talking about the photocopy (fotokopir) places in this region, there is another funny thing. These places here are more common and more popular than bookshops. They are not only making copies, they are storing all kinds of conspectuses. If you need some university subject, you don't go to a bookshop or search internet or ask your friends - you just go to a photocopy place and they will let you choose which one you like. Of course, if you are especially interested in veterinary, it is better to go to a photocopy place near the veterinary faculty.
Today we went to Plaza de Toros in the center. I was reading USSR History in Russian with all these beautiful pictures of factory workers listening to their supervisor, komsomol girls learning to drive a tractor... all the beautiful names of decades in relation how far the socialism was built :) And then surprisingly among all the crap books I found a Devil Wears Prada in Dutch. What a pity that my Dutch has never been fluent and the book was not in English. I would be coming each day there to read... or better I would have stolen the book. Yes, and I still want to see the movie, too.
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