Monday, January 28

Help Riga Dot LV

Hi! Monopoly is launching a new Here & Now World Edition and is inviting everyone around the world to vote for the greatest cities around the globe. The 22 cities with the highest worldwide votes will make it onto one global Monopoly board. Please vote for Riga! (but actually any of your favorites)
From one IP you can vote once a day for up to 10 cities. Click here and register!

Tuesday, January 1

Happy New Year!

I am now eating some chocolate santa claus to kill the spiciness of ginger I was eating before. I mixed it with honey but anyways it was crazy spicy. So, I met the new year 2008 while being ill. According to superstitions it must be a shitty year, but luckily i am not very superstitious. and also the new years party is not a big deal for me.
I met Zhivka last wednesday night and we talked the whole night. She planned to go home to Gevgelija on Thursday, but at the end we went there together only on Saturday night. I spent nice evening, Sunday and Monday there with her mom's grand cooking and the girl's love stories. I probably met half of Gevgelija and visited all the places to be. It is a nice little town. Still I decided to go back to Skopje for the New Year's Eve. And as soon I got on the train, one of my nostrils was stuck and started to feel itchy. mooizo...
I planned to have a lazy, cozy party with my volunteer friends, but when we arrived to the apartment in KV, it was full of French people, some of which I strongly dislike. So we spent the evening bitching with our Avtokomanda people. I was the biggest complainer because thanks to my dizzy head, no appetite (food sucked anyways), stuffed nose and nose and throat really sensitive to tobacco smoke, I was in a terrible mood and did not give a sh about being polite. I still agreed to wait till midnight with other Avtokomanda people and then take a taxi back to our apartment. New Year kind of came, though watches were different and there was a bit of fighting about when exactly we should start shouting and kissing. Kissing people I really don't know and care about did not make sense to me, but I was such a bitch that I was glad to share my bacillus. When people were a bit lazy to move out and take a taxi, I just felt like I have had enough and sleepiness and hurting eyes were killing me. It does feel like flue but how often can I have flue here?
Now will drink some ginger, lemon, honey tea again and eat more chocolate later to get rid of spiciness of it... :P